We are proud to announce that the the 25th ESPA Annual Congress will be held in Slovenia from 16 – 18 September 2020.  The main theme “Think green – Be active – Stay healthy” was chosen to address major challenges in 2020 in the field of health tourism and especially medical Spas, health destination like sustainability and the improvement of a personal and responsible healthy lifestyle of all citizens.

The European Spas Association global’s objectives is to promote the use of natural remedies based on mineral water, peliods and climate for health purposes as part of curative scheme on order preventive approach and to promote well-being and healthy lifestyles and reduce lifestyle disorders.

ESPA Congress is opened to all spa, wellness and medical professionals that would like to learn, network and contribute. Best health resorts of Europe are invited to compete at the 8th edition of the ESPA Innovation Award, which stimulate innovation, sustainability and excellence in Spa business.  www.europeanspas.eu/en/awards

3-days programme will start with the ESPA General Assembly and Welcome Reception in Terme 3000 – Moravske Toplice. Second day will be held in the Radenci Health Resort and dedicated to the scientific and business sessions ending with the ESPA Innovation Award Gala. On the last day best practice studies and participants will have the opportunity to attend excursion to selected Slovenian Spas.

For more information please visit: www.europeanspas.eu/en/congress

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